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Legal Disclaimer

The information and techniques found on this Website and within the Membership Site are not replacements for psychological or physician care, or medication. Laura Prechel is not a licensed physician, therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or health care provider. The Website, all of the information and techniques it holds, the Membership Site and all of the information and techniques it holds do not cure disorders or any other mental health issues. Laura Prechel and Christian Stress Release make no warranty, guarantee, or prediction as a result of your use of the information and/or techniques offered within this Website and the Membership Site. The information and/or techniques offered in this Site and in the Membership Site are here to teach you therapeutic practices based in Psychology and Chinese Medicine that address the emotional side effects of triggering life events. 

By using the information and/or participating in the techniques offered within this Website and the Membership Site, it is possible to experience some emotional distress and/or physical discomfort related to stressful or traumatic experiences you may have had earlier in your life. By viewing this Website, signing up for emails, enrolling in the Membership Site and/or practicing any or all of the techniques described herein, you agree to stop any technique provided herein should your participation in these techniques inadvertently activate distressing reactions in you (physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually). You agree to consult with your licensed health care provider(s) for any specific medical or psychological problems and to continue any medical or psychological treatment you may be currently receiving.

By viewing this Website, signing up for emails, enrolling in the Membership Site and/or practicing any or all of the techniques described herein, you signify your acceptance of this Legal Disclaimer, hereby taking full liability for your actions, symptoms, emotions and any other physical, mental, emotional or spiritual reaction you may experience from using the information and/or techniques described herein. Use or reliance of any information and/or techniques contained and/or offered within this Website, in emails subscribed to or in the Membership Site is solely at your own risk.

See the full Terms & Conditions HERE.